Package service changing schemes (unit NT$) |
Item # |
Item name |
Deluxe |
Basic |
SEC‐MALS only |
CF-01 |
O |
O |
O |
CF-02 |
UV scan & 260/280 |
O |
O |
O |
CF-03 |
Tycho NT.6 b |
O |
O |
CF-04 |
Far-UV CD spectrum |
O |
O |
CF-05 |
DSF Tm screen |
O |
O |
CF-06 |
AUC (SV mode) |
O |
CF-07 |
SEC c,d,h |
O |
O |
CF-08 |
SEC-MALS e,f,h |
O |
O |
User groups |
Academic |
Industrial |
Academic |
Industrial |
Academic |
Industrial |
Per sample |
11000 |
54000 |
4500 |
11000 |
5800 |
28000 |
a. |
If satisfactory SDS-PAGE information is provided, i.e., CF-01 is not required, a deduction will be made for academic user (NT$500), industrial user (NT$1000) for each sample. |
b. |
If CF-03 is not required, a deduction will be made for academic user (NT$85), industrial user (NT$250) for each sample. |
c. |
If satisfactory SEC information (eluting peaks with baseline resolution) is available, i.e., CF-07 is not required, a deduction will be made for academic user (NT$1900), industrial user (NT$7600) for each sample. |
d. |
Three GE 10/300 analytical grade SEC columns are available: Superdex 75, Superdex 200, and Superose 6. |
e. |
The user must provide the running buffer (1 liter). If the background scattering signal cannot reach 50 µV or lower after overnight equilibration, the calculated molecular weights will have significant errors. |
f. |
Before each sample injection, a standard (BSA) is used to validate the system (with an error within 5%). If replicated measurements are needed, additional charges will apply. Please confirm with ASPC. |
g. |
Service charges include data analysis and processing costs. If the sample composition is complex, an additional processing fee of NTD 800 per hour for experimental data analysis will be charged, and billing will be based on the total hours completed for the case. |
h. |
The user is responsible for preparing the running buffer. |
&. |
When the number of samples is large, entrustment project must be used. |
Estimated fee required for determining a protein crystal structure (unit NT$) |
Service items * |
AS users |
Non-AS academic users |
PX-01.3 Crystallization screening # |
14000 (10 plates) |
14000 (10 plates) |
PX-02 Incubator for crystal growth |
1500 (6 months) |
1500 (6 months) |
PX-03 Crystal inspection with UV-imaging system |
1000 (10 conditions) |
1000 (10 conditions) |
PX-04.1 Crystal refinement, soaking & co-crystallization |
600 (2 plates) |
600 (2 plates) |
PX-05 Stock solutions |
900 (3 units) |
900 (3 units) |
PX-06 X-ray data collection
PX-06.1 Crystal shipping
PX-06.2 X-ray diffraction test
PX-06.3 X-ray data collection
600 (2 pucks)
1500 (3 conditions)
6000 (3 conditions)
600 (2 pucks)
1500 (3 conditions)
6000 (3 conditions)
PX-07 Structure determination, refinement & validation
PX-07.1 Crystal structure determination
PX-07.2 Model building, refinement & validation
1200 (2 hr)
4200 (7 hr)
1200 (2 hr)
4200 (7 hr)
Estimated fee (NTD) |
32,100 |
32,100 |
* |
The service charges listed above is based on structure determination of a 40 kDa protein by molecular replacement. The actual fees may vary depending on the difficulty and complexity of the project, especially for the service items PX-01, PX-04, PX-06 and PX-07. The listed charges represent typical steps from protein crystallization, optimization, data collection to structure determination. However, there is no guarantee that a crystal structure can be solved for every case.Project-based service is also available and recommended for users who need full assistance throughout the structure determination processing.
# |
Users who are not on a project-based service are asked to inspect protein crystals on a regular basis by themselves. |
Single service item changing schemes (unit NT$) |
Item # |
Item name |
Academic users |
Industrial users |
Basic protein quality control g |
CF-04 |
Far-UV CD spectrum |
600 |
3000 |
CF-04.1 |
Far-UV CD thermal melt (single wavelength) |
1000 |
4500 |
CF-05 |
DSF Tm screen |
4000 |
6000 |
CF-06 |
AUC (SV mode) |
2000 |
16000& |
CF-07 |
SEC h |
2300 |
9000 |
CF-08 |
3600 |
22000 |
CF-09 |
AF4-MALS R&D h |
10000 |
48000 |
CF-09.1 |
AF4-MALS Routine h |
8200 |
32000 |
Protein X-ray crystallization related items |
PX-01 Robotic crystallization screening with 96-well plate (per plate) i |
PX-01.1 |
Sitting-drop plate with 1 drop/per well (TW brand) |
1100 |
3000 |
PX-01.2 |
Sitting-drop plate with 1 drop/per well (Greiner) |
1600 |
3600 |
PX-01.3 |
Sitting-drop plate with 3 drops/per well (Intelli-plate) |
1400 |
3300 |
PX-01.4 |
Additive screening with sitting-drop plate (TW brand) |
1100 |
3000 |
PX-01.5 |
Additive screening with sitting-drop plate (Intelli-plate) |
1400 |
3300 |
PX-01.6 |
Screening with user-prepared plate |
1050 |
2800 |
PX-01.7 |
Screening with user-prepared conditions j |
1100 |
2900 |
PX-01.8 |
Screening with user-prepared plate and conditions |
700 |
2600 |
PX-02 |
Incubators for crystallization plates (plate/month) k |
100 |
300 |
PX-03 |
Crystal inspection with UV-imaging system (per condition) l |
100 |
500 |
PX-04 Crystal refinement, soaking and co-crystallization (per plate) m |
PX-04.1 |
24-well hanging-drop plate (TW brand) |
300 |
1200 |
PX-04.2 |
24-well hanging-drop plate without sealant (int’l brand) |
350 |
1300 |
PX-04.3 |
24-well hanging-drop plate with sealant (int’l brand) |
450 |
1400 |
PX-04.4 |
24-well sitting-drop plate (int’l brand) |
350 |
1300 |
PX-04.5 |
48-well sitting-drop plate (int’l brand) |
450 |
1400 |
PX-04.6 |
96-well sitting-drop plate (int’l brand) |
450 |
1400 |
PX-05 |
Stock solutions for crystallization condition optimization (per unit) |
300 |
500 |
PX-06 X-ray data collection |
PX-06.1 |
Crystal shipping to synchrotron radiation center (per puck) n |
400 |
Collaboration |
PX-06.2 |
X-ray diffraction test with synchrotron light source (per condition) o |
600 |
Collaboration |
PX-06.3 |
X-ray data collection with synchrotron light source (per set) p |
2500 |
Collaboration |
PX-07 Structure determination, model building, refinement and validation (per hour) |
PX-07.1 |
Crystal structure determination q |
800 |
Collaboration |
PX-07.2 |
Model building, refinement and validation for X-ray crystallographic data q |
800 |
Collaboration |
PX-07.3 |
Model building for cryo-EM data r |
800 |
Collaboration |
PX-08 |
Integrated service (from purified protein to validated crystal structure) s |
Collaboration |
Collaboration |
Customization service |
CS-01 |
Recombinant protein production s |
Customized |
Customized |
CS-02 |
Protein crystallization analysis |
Customized |
Customized |
CS-03 |
Hydrogen-deuterium exchange mass spectrometry (HDX-MS) data analysis |
Customized |
Customized |
CS-04 |
Experimental designs |
Customized |
Customized |
CS-05 |
Data analysis |
Customized |
Customized |
CS-06 |
Protein structure determination t |
Collaboration |
Collaboration |
CS-07 |
Protein function analysis t |
Collaboration |
Collaboration |
CS-08 |
Protein dynamics analysis t |
Collaboration |
Collaboration |
h. |
The additional samples need to be submitted together with the first sample, and the buffer conditions are the same for all the samples. The user is responsible for preparing the running buffer. |
i. |
A pre-crystallization test (PCT) of protein concentration is included. Free for 3-month storage of the plates in our incubators. |
j. |
The facility provides the sitting-drop Intelli-plate. |
k. |
User gets 3-month free storage if the plates are set up via the core service. |
l. |
Only the UV-compatible plates are allowed. |
m. |
The facility provides cover slides, tape and other relevant tools, but not crystallization solutions. |
n. |
Each puck can be loaded with up to 16 crystals. |
o. |
User should pay the fee of crystal shipping. |
p. |
User should upload the preliminary diffraction data for full data set collection and pay the fee of crystal shipping. |
q. |
User should upload the crystal picture, X-ray diffraction image and data-collection statistics and the facility has the right to decide whether a case will proceed. |
r. |
The facility has the right to decide whether a case will proceed. |
s. |
User must provide manpower and pay the usage fee for all the fee-based service items. |
t. |
User must pay manpower costs and the usage fee for all the fee-based service items. |
● Charges of ASPC service |
*A note for Academia Sinica users: if the payment source comes from non-AS projects, the rate of charges will follow the non-AS academia users according to the official document, No.1090502588, announced by Academia Sinica on 2020/04/10.
The charges are approved by the ASPC user committee on 2021/11/10. This charge might be adjusted according to the operational status.