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Academia Sinica Protein Clinic (ASPC) is a service provider for integrated and multiplex structural biology and biophysics with know-how, streamlined workflow, and data analysis. ASPC provides initial consultations to assist users in obtaining recombinant protein sample and to design workflows for biophysical and structural characterizations. Reminiscent to health checkups, ASPC provides basic and advanced diagnosis packages or individual items to obtain an overview about the target protein system, which that can be seamlessly interfaced with more advanced structural and functional characterizations by other core-facilities (such as Biophysics Core Facility, Common Mass Spectrometry Core Facility and cryoEM) within Academia Sinica. ASPC provides routine crystallization screening trials, and, on a collaborative basis, more advanced physicochemical, structural and functional analyses.
For more information, please email us:
Exemplar package protein analysis reports
Example 1
Example 2

Contact: Ms. Chia-Wei Cheng, Academia Sinica Protein Clinic

No. 128, Sect. 2, Academia Rd., Nankang, Taipei 115, Taiwan (R.O.C.)      TEL:(02) 27855696 #4011

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